The Age of Enlightenment promoted a confidence in reason or intellectual enquiry to bring greater happiness and progress to humanity; a belief that all aspects of the human and natural worlds are susceptible of rational explanation; and the desire to battle against ignorance, dogma, superstition, injustice and oppression.
It allowed people to inform others of new religion, ideas and more and paved the path for newer printing technologies.
Tom and Arnie are alike in several ways. They are alike because they both are tricksters, convincing, and cunning.
Explanation:i read the book
Major problems at the end of the war included labor strikes and race riots, and a lag in the economy due to farmers' debts. The Red Summer of 1919 saw an increase in violence in more than two dozen cities, as returning veterans (both white and African American) competed for jobs.
Lutherism at first was banned and followers were persecuted, however, it soon became dominant in Northern Europe (Scandinavia) and played a role in European thought and unity through the actions of Martin Luther, a key theologician and reformer.