Ethnic groups share a common <u>characteristic</u> while religious groups share a common <u>belief</u>.
Resolved, that this Congress will apply to His Majesty for a redress of grievances under which his faithful subjects in America labor; and assure him that the colonies hold in abhorrence the idea of being considered independent communities on the British government, and most ardently desire the establishment of a political union, not only among themselves but with the mother state, upon chose principles of safety and freedom which are essential in the constitution of all free governments, and particularly that of the British legislature.
It's 3. After fighting in the revolutionary war, most of the founding fathers agreed that they wanted to step as far away from a strong ventral government since that's what they tried to escape in the first place. this then leads up to the 2nd continental congress being so weak, they can only advise the completely sovereign states from making bad decisions. otherwise known as the articles of confederation for when it gave full state power to basically act as if they were they're own nation.
In response to the violence of the Boston Massacre of 1770 and new taxes like the Tea Act of 1773, a group of frustrated colonists protested taxation without representation by dumping 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor on the night of December 16, 1773 – an event known to history as Boston Tea Party