It would be C. During my first three months of work, I attended three conferences, they were all required events for my training.
B. Both Antigone and Niobe mourn the loss of family.
on edge 2021
The correct answer is B. Tomochichi (1644 – 1739) was the chief of the Yamacraw town that was located in the same place as the city of Savannah is nowadays. He ended up turning his lands over to the new settlers, commanded by James Oglethorpe and this led to the foundation of Savannah. He was the main mediator, who managed to establish peaceful relationships between the new settlers and native people and this allowed the sucessful development of Georgia.
The tone of the story “Talk” by Harold Courlander and George Herzog is C. humorous. This story has a truly funny and engaging plot about a farmer who suddenly founds out that everything around him can speak. He was frightened and ran away. This story prepared a circle of hilarious dialogues as every stranger that the main character came across found out the same thing so they all run together from this nightmare.<span>