pay money to some one and get it printed
Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson
- Lee regarded Jackson as his "right arm."
- Jackson earned his nickname in the First Battle of Bull Run
- Jackson was fatally shot by one of his own men (who mistaken him as the enemy) - at the Battle of Chancellorsville - and had his arm amputated.
- Lee sent a letter to Jackson, writing, “Could I have directed events, I would have chosen for the good of the country to be disabled in your stead."
increase reliance on authorities
The term authority is considered as the "legitimate power" that an individual or group of individuals consists and practice over the other individuals. It is usually being made formal by a specific way of an executive and a judicial branch of government.
However, any general population doesn't possess the resources, expertise, or time often in order to evaluate or appraise claims by oneself.
Pine Family
Cone-bearing trees and shrubs (conifers) are found worldwide. Conifers with needles are in the Pinaceae (pine) family. Pines are divided into species by the number of needles in a typical cluster.
The answer i got was B.:Extrinsic
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