I think it’s direct democracy!
a rabbi is a person qualified by academic studies of the hebrew bible and the talmud to act as spiritual leader and religious teacher of a jewish community or congregation.
synagogues are consecrated spaces used for the purpose of prayer.
get the deal you want at DAVID MOSS *beep beep*
We are farmers bumbadumdum dummm
O o o oriley auto parts
Reeeeed robin
1. Invasion of France = Battle of Normandy
2. Bombing raid on Tokyo = Lt. Col. James Doolittle
3. Surrender of Japan = Hiroshima and Nagasaki
4. Brought the United States into WWII = Pearl Harbor
5. Stated U.S. and Britain would not seek territorial gain = Atlantic Charter
6. Plan to rebuild Europe = Marshall Plan
7. Chinese and Russian agreement = Sino-Soviet Pact
8. World organization to overcome differences = United Nations
9. Security and defense against communism = NATO
These terms are all related to the Second World War. This war, also known as World War II, lasted from 1939 to 1945. During these years, much of the world (more than 30 countries) were in conflict as part of two major alliances: the Allies and the Axis. This was the deadliest conflict in history, with particularly high casualties in China and the Soviet Union. It is also infamous for its genocide of Jewish people and other minorities in Europe.
The Dutch colony was turned over to the Swedes.