The answer is present perfect because have always enjoyed watermelon means they forever enjoy watermelon.
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Roosevelt wants to stress that the United States has reputation to uphold as the peacekeeper among nations.
I believe thats right
Part A:
b) He is blessed with good timing and luck.
Part B:
b) 'Poor little blighter,' said William. He had already had as much supper as he could hold; also, he had had lots of beer. 'Poor little blighter! Let him go!'
e) "The day grew lighter and warmer as they floated along. After a while, the river rounded a steep shoulder of land that came down upon their left ... Suddenly the cliff fell away. The shores sank. The trees ended. Then Bilbo saw a sight: The lands opened wide about him, filled with the waters of the river which broke up and wandered in a hundred winding courses."
Based on chapter 9 and 10, we can infer that Bilbo is blessed with timing and luck.
In the line that starts with 'poor little blighter...', Bilbo is lucky because as he gets caught up, he does not end up being cooked because at that time, William had just eaten and was full of food and beer.
In the second instance, "The day grew lighter and warmer as they floated along......, Bilbo finally got to see the lonely mountain that he had come far to see. There, felt fortunate as he listened to the information that the raftsmen let fall.