The main factor that contributed to the rising of the Kingdom of Ghana is the African trade in gold and salt. Though the resources did not come from Ghana, it was situated in a trading route between salt miners in North Africa and gold traders from South Africa.
They lit the town hall on fire
America's industrial revolution began to take root in A)new England, mostly because this is where lots of the water and supplies were. It never took place in the South.
Iron Curtain: A term coined by Winston Churchill about the Soviet hold on Eastern Europe
Truman Doctorine: <span>principle that the US should give support to countries or peoples threatened by Soviet forces or communist insurrection.
Marshall Plan: Giving supplies and loans to struggling nations (Notably recovering Germany) to help them build up</span>
Passed in 1830, authorized Andrew Jackson to negotiate land-exchange treaties with tribes living east of the Mississippi (targeted Georgia). The treaties enacted under this act's provisions paved the way for the reluctant—and often forcible—emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West.<span>Nullification Crisis</span>