The dialect used in Why, You Reckon gives the audience the idea that the character is not educated and, very likely, poor. It helps the enjoyment of the story. For example in the following quote
“Well sir, I ain’t never been mixed up in nothing wrong before nor since, and I don’t intend to be again, but I was hongry that night.” (Hughes 253)
She says that there was a time when she bore children regularly, every two years. Six times she had born a boy child and six times they had died. Some had swollen up and with weak, plaintive cries had faded away. Others had shuddered in sudden convulsions, with burning skins, and had rolled up their eyes and died. They had all died; or rather he had died, Bola thought, because she knew it was one child all the time whose spirit had crept up restlessly into her womb to be born and mock her.
Answer: A strict lockdown is better because it can control the virus so much better and the restrictions can end faster. A Smart lockdown can be comfortable for us because many things are open, it also means we will have longer lockdowns with more cases.