3; stage diretions
4; location
5; Charactors
6; Scenes
7; Time and setting
8; Director
9; actors
10; playwrightand italics
i had this same assinment
2. Population
3. habitat
5. community
6. Ecosystem
7. Ecosystem
9. Community
pretty sure these are right lol, i wouldnt put all my trust in me though.
c. indicates that something is not a priority but probably will be in the future
It is still simmering and will eventually need to be addressed, but it is not at the forefront of your problems.
The image shows how the majority of France was run by and made up of commoners however they were not the ones in power and were the only people being taxed. It demonstrates the corruptness within the French government of the time.
One good side of having a mobilephone (or giving one to a kid) is that you will have much more contact. If the person with the phone is in danger, they can call their family and/or the police. Without a phone, this may be much harder to do. A downside of a kid having a mobile phone is that they may be exposed to many things on the internet, especially with social media. They could see thing they do not wish to see, they may be bullied, or they may experience jelousy when seeing other people on social media. In my opinion, phones are a very good resource for schoolwork, watching occasional videos, seeing the news, and staying in contact with family and friends, but this is only up to a certain point.