Answer: Heyo Kenji Here! Here's your answer- The key principle of a responsible government is that it needs the confidence of Parliament to create laws and taxation. This originated in British practice. Its adoption in British North America (BNA) gave the colonists control of their own affairs. (See also: Constitution Act, 1867.)
Explanation: Hope this helps!
Have a nice day!
- Kenji ^^
It caused the separate but equal. Everything the whites had the blacks had too. If the whites got a school then the blacks did too. If the whites had a dining area the blacks did too. I really don't mean to sound racist. I just don't know how else to explain it.
Honestly, I tried to look but I don't know. Here's a picture of the general area that it should be around (the red box). This is in Italy north of Rome.
1492 was the 15th Century
It was a reaction from the colonist for Great Britain taxing the colonies so much. It led to more tension because it was a straight forward act against Great Britain, and one that was slightly violet. It was showing Great Britain that the colonist were definitely fed up with how they were being traeted by the mother country.