It is vitally important in a democracy that individual judges and the judiciary as a whole are impartial and independent of all external pressures and of each other so that those who appear before them and the wider public can have confidence that their cases will be decided fairly and in accordance with the law.
Assuming this is talking about WWII era Germany and Italy, I'd say it's B) Nationalism.
awwww thank you for the free points so sweet of youuuuuu
lmaaoo just playin i know there not free but im swiper ;DDD
Don't allow large groups of people to be killed
If you keep tabs on communities they are less likely to be genocided
The correct answer fro your question is option (Walloons).
Norwegians are commonly a North German Ethnic Group but has Norway as their native. Now the decedents from this ethnic group can be found widely in Canada, United Kingdom, United States,Brazil, Australia, Argentina and more.
Basques are indigenous ethnic group of people who lived in North-central Spain and Western France.
Wallons are ethnic people native to Belgium
Saami are finno-Ugric people who lived in Norther Europe.