Most of it sounds pretty good. Maybe reword it like this if you're wanting to switch it up. Like I said, it sounds pretty good as you have it though.
Religion shaped the structure and social caste of the four River Valley Civilizations because the Mesopotamian and Indus River Valley priests held vast amounts of authority and were considered to be head officials of the civilizations' primitive forms of Democracy.
A sponsor is a member of congress who is willing to introduce and back the legislation.
A chamber is a legislative meeting hall.
One of the two chambers in government, either the senate or the house of representatives: house of congress
Activity concerning a bill which may include debates and compromises: floor action.
The time when congress is active and members are present, fulfilling their respective duties: in session
I'm thankful for God/Allah
because of her I'm still alive here living with my beloved person like my family and friends and because of her we are all having a good life and times that we want to do so i am so thankful for everything that he gave to us
A. lol my teacher just told me.