Ponyboy suggests that the main difference was "money that separated us", but Cherry also thought that there was something more that made the groups different(38). According to Cherry Valance, the main dividing factor was how the two groups dealt with their emotions: "You greasers have a different set of values.
Correct answer # 2: The world's nations must cooperate; one nation cannot solve the world's problems by itself.
When you connect two related independent clauses or sentences you use a semicolon. Both sentences should be completed grammarly writtend and with a connection. Make sure you do not write a capital letter after the semicolon, unless it is a proper name.
Answer # 3 is incorrect as there is a capitalized word
Answer # 1 it is incorrect to use "for" as the sentence is grammarly completed
The poem "ode to the west wind" Consists of five sections or what we call "cantos". written in Terza rima (an interlocking three-line scheme). Each of the sections consist of four tercets( set or group of three lines of verses that rhyme together).....(ABA,BCB,CDC,DED). And a rhyming couplet (EE) the poem is written in iambic pentameter(a line or verse with five metrical feet).
A sentence that tells so like informational?
What are the options?