The cat defends itself well. It scratches its enemy.
Surya namaskar are 7 they are performed in cyclic order so they are considered 12
Daisy is pursued Gatsby is pursuing, Tom and Daisy are tired.
To Escape their old country, which may consist of disease and death
For Oppurtunity, getting jobs, getting freedom, and friendship
Ancient cultures hardly have anything common with present world cultures. So, I order to understand Homer's Ancient Grecian world (some 800-700 BC), we have to get some insights into that culture and not to our own's.
Homer is attributed author of Iliad and odyssey - two most famous ancient epic poems. Homer's Grecian world is some 800-700 BC. It is a time before any chronological system was developed. There were no calendars at that time. The culture was full of myths and extravagant heroic tales. That culture and world was too much different from our's. So understanding our own culture is hardly going to help us in understanding Homer's Ancient Grecian world.