Even though Imperialism has been lessened to an extent, is still strong today. Fueled by an industrial revolution, Imperialism thrived during the 19th century. Shaping the modern world through partitions and wars, Imperialism quenched the thirst for wealth sought by the western world. As imperialism is a direct effect of industrialization, it must come with all the negative effects if industrialization. Though improvements such as irrigation systems and roads were developed, the famine, disease, and war due to Western Imperialism far outweighed the positive effects of industrializing. Beginning with the renaissance in Italy during the 17th century and ending with the reign of Napoleon the First, nationalism had been waiting to pop out of its paradigm shell. The spread of enlightenment ideals throughout Europe brought a liberal swing. People began to call for a more equal society, with a higher standard of living. Napoleons empire built a since of unity in Europe, causing the birth of nationalism, as in England and Germany. This since of nationalism brought forth economic competition between rivaling countries. The Industrial Revolution began in the early 1700's with the invention of the steam engine. Fueled by a recent agricultural revolution, England was the first to Industrialize. With the creation of the steam engine, large factories began springing up, attracting workers and thereby creating small industrialized towns such as Manchester and Brighton. The Agricultural Revolution helped provide a large population, filling the factories' needs for workers. But with these towns there became a serous problem of over crowding in the cities. There were many good and bad effects of the Industrial
For example, the USSR established the "iron curtain" to control most of Central and Eastern Europe. Additionally, American fear of the spread of communism led to a number of proxy wars. The Cold War also spread the worldwide fear of nuclear war, which heavily influenced international diplomacy and affairs.
While most African Americans serving at the beginning of WWII were assigned to non-combat units and relegated to service duties, such as supply, maintenance, and transportation, their work behind front lines was equally vital to the war effort.
The answer for the bundles of wood wrapped around an ox handle in ancient rome is fasces