Answer: A. Accumulate keratohyalin granules. B. Cells increase in size, some retain ability to divide. C. Cell membrane thickens. Cells imbedded in lipid matrix. D. Cells within this layer proliferate.
It's B
Because the fossil record shows how organisms have evoluate from relatively simple organisms to more complex organisms
The penis is introduced in a vagina of a female then they start movíng to feel pleasure so the penis throws a Liquid called semen it’s what contains ezpermatozoids that’s what it needs to make a baby
If a solution process is exothermic, the energy required for dissolving the solute compare with the energy released is that, the energy requiredis less than the energy released. When we sayexothermic, heat is evolved. On the other hand,when heat is absorbed, this is called endothermic.