Here is what I got:
Women: cannot get an education, not as many rights as men
Children: some went to schools (richer kids), while most helped out their family
Indentured Servants: had to work for a long period of time for their master to pay off their debt of their master paying for their passage to the new nation
Slaves: Were treated like property such as coffee mugs, had close to no rights, had to obey their master
Native Americans: some tried to make peace with the newcomers, but most natives got their land taken away
Working Class: Had okay lives, they could not participate in government, had more rights than indentured servants or slaves
Hopefully my answers helped you!
Should be Mekong, because nations like Thailand, Vietnam all have the Mekong running through it
The improvements made traveling easier and more efficient
Historians must look at the age of the evidence itself, they must also look at whether it can be corroborated by other pieces of historical evidence and that the source of the evidence is reliable.