Idek this makes no sense. Sorry, but your on your own
bad thing: u compare your self to other people, bad mental health, etc
good thing: u may actually learn interesting stuff, keep up with friends plus family, know when major events may occur
Since you used the name Scout, I'm guessing this is about "To Kill a Mockingbird". Hopefully I'm correct, but here we go. Scout has a new teacher when she starts going to school again. Scout already knows how to read. Every night, she and Atticus had read books together, and he had therefore taught her to read. Now, in school, they were learning to read. Since Scout had already learnt, she didn't need help. The teacher, however, did not like this. (Sorry, I can't remember the teacher's name for the life of me!) The teacher told Scout to tell Atticus that they can't read together anymore. Scout is very obviously upset. She believes she should be able to read with Atticus because she is learning, after all. So, she dislikes the school's new approach to teaching. Hope this helps you!
D) It appeared as though Mrs. Hale was answering the question, but she actually meant something quite different with her response.
In Susan Glaspell's play "Triffles," the people investigating the crime find sewing elements which the men overlook because they believe a kitchen holds trivial items. The reason is that the thoughts and opinions of women were not considered important at the time. Thus, the uneven stitching in Mrs. Wright's quilt indicates that she was upset or distracted by disturbed during her quilting. As a result, with the discovery of the dead bird, the women realize that Mrs Wright had was going through an oppressive marriage and had reasons to kill her husband. That is why Mrs. Hale means something different than what she is answering: the women are actually hiding the evidence to protect Mrs. Wright.