In the following argument which fallacy is committed: 1. The decision as to what courses should be required of all university st
udents should be left to the faculty senate. 2. If students are given a voice in this matter it won't be long before the students dictate who should be hired and fired. 3. In no time they'll take over the administrative functions as well, and the university will collapse.
A logical fallacy exemplifies flawed or faulty reasoning that functions to disprove the logic of the argument. The given argument displays 'slippery slope fallacy' that implies an error where a small(minor) and less significant initial steps leading to a crucial, considerable, and significant effect or event. Similarly, in the given example, the argument begins with a peripheral step 'what courses should be required of all university students' leading to a serious and notable effect 'university will collapse'. Thus, the argument reflects '<u>slippery slope fallacy</u>'.
OK so for your answer the best option to go with will be option D. because absorption does not have the meaning to do something again it is just saying to absorb as the rest have the beginning re meaning to do again.