11 facts about auto mobiles!!! You're welcome!
1. Teh adverage american spends about 38 hrs a year stuck in traffic
2. The frist car accidnet occured in 1891 in ohio
3. There are approximately 300 million cars ont he road in america
4. the adverage car has 30,000 parts
5. There are more cars then people in los angelas
6. The inventor of the cruise control was blind.
7. automobiles are the most recycled consumer product int he world
8. The adverage person spends two weeks of their entire life waiting at the red light
9. 1 out of 4 cars produced in the world ocmes from china
10. 1 billion cars are in active use across the word today
11. 90% of drivers sing behind the wheel
Answer: The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test or PSAT is a preparation exam for Scholastic Aptitude Test given to sophomore and junior students. It comprises of multiple choice type of questions. However, it doesn't contain essay questions, unlike the SAT questions.
Explanation: hope this helps
1 As he is wrtitng it in memory of his son as he has passeds away
2 I watch as each of the stones makes rings like the song
3 Rock for the horses and chickens we had
4 He seems sad as he has lost his son and in rememberence is thinking about stones..It makes him think of him and he hard to let go of therefore throwinf tnat stone last
5 Sad as its an elegy poem and he is writing a poem on his memories which include his son dying therefire making it bad
Hope i can get brainlist !! Thnxx
1. Illegal
2. Cheating
3. Stealing
4. Copying
5. Degrading