When Hugo said that he hears “the dull sound of revolution, still deep down in the earth, pushing out under every kingdom in Europe its subterranean galleries from the central shaft of the mine which is Paris” (“Les Miserable”) he anticipated the revolution and spread of republicanism from France to whole Europe.
It was called the Triple Entente. The nations that were in the Triple alliance were France, Russia, and Great Britain since they were all closest to the Axis powers in central Europe.
African society was torn apart by the slave trade, the Americas exported finished goods to Europe, and European countries invested in the American stock market. it should be this one
Isolationists won the upper hand after World War I. Following the mood of public opinion, they were reluctant to keep US deep engagement in world affairs. The Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and the treaty of the League of Nations, the cherished brainchild of president W. Wilson. As a result, the absence of the US and the lack of means to enforce its resolutions, the League of Nations was a failure. Isolationist views also made it harder to get the US join the Allied side in the early moments of WWII.