They discriminated against local non Arab Muslims and their laws.
Well the l<span>ongbow, made the classic attack of sword, lance or joust useless, for the most part.
When someone could kill a soldier from a hundred yards, there was no need to get close enough for horse or foot soldier to fight
Gunpowder brought in the canon, and this was a weapon that was effective even farther than the long bow.
It could kill multiple people at long range, plus, it made the stone castle obsolete, because canon balls could blast them apart.</span>
The Silk Road promoted commodity exchange and cultural. it led to Buddhism one of the religions of the Kushan kingdom reached China and also the merchant caravans Buddhist monks went from India to Central Asia and China, preaching the new religion. Buddhist monuments were discovered in numerous cities along the Silk Road.
Most favoured by slave owners were commercial crops such as olives, grapes, sugar, cotton, tobacco, coffee, and certain forms of rice that demanded intense labour to plant, considerable tending throughout the growing season, and significant labour for harvesting.