Setting goals can impact all areas of health in a positive way because setting goals can help you improve your self-worth and self-esteem. When you have achieved your goal you set for yourself, you feel a sense of accomplishment and gratitude, which are positive emotions. When you are at peace with yourself in the mind, your body responds. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body.
This means his love for his country and how he cares for his place.
As the demand for slaves grew, the Portuguese began to enter the interior of Africa to forcibly take captives; as other Europeans became involved in the slave trade, generally they remained on the coast and purchased captives from Africans who had transported them from the interior.
The Mississippi was used for transportation and their were ports along it before the LA purchase
As the 5th century BCE approached, Carthage became the center of commerce and trade in the West Mediterranean region. It had conquered most of the old Phoenician colonial cities including the Hadrumetum, Utica, Kerkouane, Numidian, and Mauretanian kingdoms. It even extended its control over Malta and Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean.