I think they could be free range either way so Yes they can be free range inside
First one
Caesar once called on Cassius to save him from drowning because he could not save himself.
Phrase, Idiom or Sentence
A sequence of words that form a meaning can be a phrase, idiom or a sentence.
A phrase is a group of words that form a meaning. It can be a combination of a preposition and a noun, or an adjective and a noun. <em>Prepositional phrase</em> is for example "in the air", and an <em>adjectival phrase</em> is "a beautiful girl".
An idiom is a phrase that when formed, changes the meaning of the words in a phrase. For example,<em> "It's raining cats and dogs".</em> This sentence doesn't mean that literally cats and dogs fall from the sky, but it has a different meaning, which is <em>"It is heavily raining." </em>
A sentence is a group of words that must consist of at least subject and a verb, which can be followed by other words or phrases. For example, a phrase is <em>"a beautiful girl"</em> - it cannot be a sentence because it doesn't have a verb. If we say <em>"A beautiful girl is here."</em> - we make a sentence, because now it has a <em>subject (A beautiful girl), a verb (is) and a preposition of place (here). </em>
D) After "gang"
The colon should be placed before the list elements introduced by what is before the colon. In this case, the "giggle gang" is the group conformed by the elements "Jana, Andrea, Erin and Samantha." All other options are incoherent with the function of a colon.
Grateful if I remember, have a great day hope you get an A+.