Correct answer - A (Elephants have few offspring, so they need to protect them from predators.)
Why? - The herd is led by the oldest and often largest female in the herd, called a matriarch. They live in herds so that the young elephants stay safe from predators.
Temperate Diciduous forest Biome
Crystalloids are aquous solution of mineral salts or other water soluble molecules
colloids contains larger insoluble molecules such as blood and gelatin.
hope it helps u....
Gallons. You buy gasoline by the gallon.
External respiration (correct answer) involves the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the environment.
The exchange of wastes through the skin is just called excretion by sweating.
There is no exchange of nutrients that occur in the lungs but rather absorption of nutrients is the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the cell is called cellular respiration and involves carrying oxygen from the blood to the cell then the cell uses it as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain. The metabolic wastes of the cell, primarily carbon dioxide, goes now to the bloodstream to be exchanged for oxygen in the lungs.