I am not entirely sure about this. So maybe my response can help you find the answer a little better if my answer is not entirely right?
These last three questions are referring to everything you just worked on. So all you would have to do is refer back to your previous answers. Recall that the titles of the "part 1, 2, and 3" are titled "crossing beak color and tail-feather length", "crossing beak color and feather color", and "mapping tail-feather length and feather color".
1.List the distances between each pair of genes:
beak color and tail-feather length: 20 MU
beak color and feather color: 16 MU
tail-feather length and feather color: 4 MU
2.Which two alleles are the farthest apart?
(the one that is 20 MU apart) Y and L
3.Which two alleles are the closest together?
(the ones that are 4 MU apart) L and B
Fruting bodies
Fungi can produce spores on somatic hyphae or on special spore producing hyphae which are arranged into structers called fruting bodies.
Diploblasty is a state of the blastula in which there are two essential germ layers: the ectoderm and endoderm. Diploblastic living beings are life forms which create from such a blastula and incorporate cnidaria and Ctenophora, earlier assembled together in the phylum Coelenterata, yet later comprehension of their disparities brought about their being put in discrete phyla.
To answer the above:
Diploblastic animals have ectoderm and an endoderm as well as radial symmetry.