If you go around schools asking students what they use social media for, there will most likely be a lot of answers such as “ To mess around when I get bored.”but sometimes children or young adults will say “ To keep in contact with friends or family when I don’t have there phone number.”
There are many reasons to be only social media some good and some bad but if you think about what would everything be like without it. Yes there most likely would be less students on there phone during class. But I’d there was no social media people wouldn’t be able to contact friends that have moved and you don’t have there number. What if there was a family member that wanted to show every one in their family a picture of something they are doing without making a huge group chat.
That is why I believe that having an age limit on people being on social media.
He did it to end seggregation among the African American players and White players. Also, because he believed that, Jackie robinson would be able to handle any racial slurs that would be thrown to him.
Firatly, the incident of an African American player that was not allowed to stay with his fellow white players in same hotel was an experience that prompted him to raise up to the aim of ending segregation. The argument he had with the hotel staff finally lead to the said player being allowed to stay with the team.
Secondaly, due to the untapped potential of skin coloured people was enormous and he was not confortable skipping them on account of that particular reason. The player who could be able to broke the color barrier would be subjected to jeers, abuse, threats, even assaults. He is so convinced that Jackie Robison would remained dignified in the face of all these, hence the reason he choose him.
effect is a change that becomes the result and affect is the change