A. Office Professional (OP). This district is intended for various levels of intensities for business, office, administrative, research and development, and/or professional land uses. This district is characterized by urban streetscapes with formal tree arrangements and larger block sizes.
B. Planned Commercial (PC). The PC districts provide flexibility for commercial and mixed-use development. Generally, these districts are characterized as coordinated projects that integrate compatible commercial and residential mixed-uses. PC districts balance the need for automobile parking and pedestrian connections that are organized around walkable streetscapes and other pedestrian amenities. PC districts are further refined based on property size, proximity to residential uses, and as desc
Answer: Shifting of these tectonic plates result in the creation of the volcanic eruptions increases the degree of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere that also leads to a rise in the temperature levels.
the water level of a stream or river exceeds its natural banks, it has reached
its flood stage. This is a real panic stage for people living nearby the rivers
and streams that has overflowed its natural banks. This flood situation can
destroy any city or village and also drastically impact the financial situation
of the area. Most cities and states move their citizens away from the river
banks before it reaches this danger stage. Before the emergence of
technological advancement, historical evidence proves that many great cities
were destroyed due to such situations. <span /></span>
Ideas culturales.
Las ideas culturales de la población se modifican y enriquecen con el tiempo debido al contacto entre diferentes grupos culturales. Cuando una población entra en contacto con diferentes culturas, la población adopta algunos de los métodos, ideas y formas de esa cultura extranjera que conduce a la modificación y enriquecimiento de la cultura actual de la población. Entonces podemos concluir que la adaptación de las ideas de la cultura ajena conduce a la modificación de la cultura nativa.
In Brazil they mostly speak Portuguese