Mi madre es muy trabajadora: es artista y tambien enseña en la universidad.
A los estudiantes les gusta mi madre porque es una profesora buena, pero ella da exámenes muy difíciles.
Este semestre enseña dos clases de arte chino.
Mi madre es una gran mujer, ¿verdad?
<em>My mother is a hard worker: she is an artist and she also teaches at the university.</em>
<em>The students like my mother because she is a good teacher, but she gives very difficult exams.</em>
<em>This semester teaches two Chinese art classes.</em>
<em>My mother is a great woman, right?</em>
The United States counts its population. The census not only counts the number of people in
the country. It also tries to know the origin and ethnicity with which people identify.
Census takers determined the race of Americans counting up to 1960,
when people could already choose their own race or ethnicity. Through the years, the idea
race has evolved from an established physical characteristic to a defined concept
by many family, social or cultural factors. Today, the breed is considered
taking into account ancestry and culture. The categories of races and ethnicities in the
census of the United States have been influenced by the population and this, in turn, has
influenced on the identities of the population
What is the main idea of the text?
The census has a long history,
O The census is to develop categories of races and ethnicities.
Jorge y Carlos pensar ver una pelicula en el cine