Green manure.
Farmyard manure.
Compost manure.
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect is the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface.
Answer: A higher dependency ratio is likely to reduce productivity growth. A growth in the non-productive population will diminish productive capacity and could lead to a lower long-run trend rate of economic growth.
The U.S. has more than 87,000 dams greater than six feet high (and two million overall). While many dams continue to provide benefits such as flood control, irrigation, and water supply, for other dams the cost of maintenance or the negative effects on communities, fish, and tribes justifies their removal.
Dam owners and regulators decide whether to remove a dam by weighing many factors including: the cost of removal and the ability to replace any lost power generation against avoided long-term maintenance; safety concerns; benefits to endangered fish populations; increased recreational and commercial fishing; and restoration of cultural values of nearby tribes.
By 2020, roughly 70% of dams will be more than 50 years old, inviting us to reconsider the value to the public of long-term investments in this infrastructure.
B. Aryans
The Varnas system began during the Aryan invasion of India. The Varna system, which is known as the caste system, divides society into 4 categories:
- Brahmins are educators like scholars, teachers, gurus; and spiritual leaders such as priests.
- Kshatriyas are the "warriors" whose roles are to protect society. The term can be translated as "authority," so these people are usually kings, rulers and the like.
- Vaishyas are productive class, or simply the businessmen. They are in charge of agricultural businesses and trading. They ensure the wealth of the society.
- Shudras are coined as the unskilled workers. They are in a sense, the "servers". They tend to the higher classes and work for them and are expected to remain loyal to them.