February 15, 1564 but double check just in case :)
The Age of Exploration is a series of voyages during the 1400s, 1500s, and early 1600s when European explorers explored the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It began in Portugal, in the Iberian Peninsula to be exact. The overall cause of the exploration was the European desire to find ocean routes to East Asia/the Indies, the interest in spices, advancements in knowledge and technology, breaking the control that Muslims and Italians had on trade routes, and to spread Christianity. Some key figures included Prince Henry “The Navigator”, Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco de Gama, Pedro Cabral, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan and more.
The fugitive slave act angered many northerners who wanted to obtain equality, for it made it so that freed African Americans were sent back down to the South to work yet again in the system of slavery. The Kansas Nebraska Act was put into place so that Stephen Douglas would be able to have his transcontinental railroad in the north. It made it so that the Kansas and Nebraska territories were no longer free states, and were now up to popular sovereignty - meaning whether or not slavery would exist there now depended on a vote. The Kansas Nebraska Act ended up causing the Sack of Lawrence where Missourians who had been planning to go up to Kansas to throw the vote in favor of being a slave state, found out that some northerners had also planned on this, and had set up camp in the city of Lawrence. About 800 southern men marched up to Lawrence to get rid of the northerners - only to find that the northerners had heard of this and fled. Angered, the southern men ransacked and burned down the town. The Sack of Lawrence then caused the North to retaliate with the Pottawatomie Massacre. In the Pottawatomie Massacre, John Brown and a small group of his followers marched up to southern men's homes and murdered them.
Some slaves bought their own freedom from their owners, but this process became more and more rare as the 1800s progressed. Many slaves became free through manumission, the voluntary emancipation of a slave by a slaveowner.