The correct answer is definitely D, when Japan attacked Pear Harbor.
¡Hola! Creo que su respuesta es "El Nuevo Testamento indica además que la imposición de manos transmitía una bendición y era un medio de curación. La iglesia primitiva continuó estos usos y agregó dos más: la imposición de manos para la bendición de los catecúmenos (es decir, aquellos preparándose para el bautismo) y para la reconciliación de penitentes y herejes." ¡Espero que esto te ayude! Buena suerte y que tengas un gran día / noche. ❤️✨
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
In my opinion, both major parties, Democrats & Republicans, eliminate third parties and their agendas because they exert dominant control over third parties and their candidates in that it is too much money Democrats and Republicans collect via donations from their followers. This money is used to organize and operate the political campaigns and buy all kinds of advertising through traditional media and social media. Third parties do not the money and infrastructure to represent a real threat to those two established and traditional parties in the United States. Among the third parties that have competed in US elections of the past, we find the Whig Party, Federalist Party, and National Republican Party, Populist Party, and Progressive Party.