it was a hot summer day. a lion and a boar reach a body for a drink. they begin arguing and fighting about who should drink first. after a while, they are tired and stop for a breath, when the notice vultures up above.soon they realize the vultures are waiting for one or both of them to fall so that they can feast on them so the lion and the boar decide to make up and become friends instead of fighting and becoming vulture food so they drink the water at the same time and go their separate ways. the moral of the story is those who strive together survive together.
hope this helps fran
<span>A(n) Opinion is a viewpoint that cannot be proven true.
Hermione Granger - Hermione is logical, book smart, and quite close-minded.
Harry Potter- Harry is brave, loyal, and strong willed.
Ron Weasly - Ron is quite insecure, very passionate, and quite funny.
Voldemort - Voldemort is very powerful, dedicated- in a bad way, and studious!
I rate Harry Potter the book series a big 5, reading it and feeling like you are in a world of wizarding and magical creatures is the best. It was very well written with all of the hidden plot secrets and more. It is a very fun and magical book!
Estoy muy bien, solo quiero ayudar a algunas personas con las cosas que necesitan.
Esto es lo que haría; Coloque etiquetas alrededor de su casa, si lo desea, esto puede ayudarlo con las palabras que está tratando de decir, y puede memorizar cosas y saber cómo decirlas. Así es como comencé a aprender inglés.
O puede uno de esos maestros que pueden ayudarlo uno por uno, lo que podría ser más fácil, pero hay muchas formas diferentes de hacerlo, ¡así que espero que esto les haya ayudado un poco!
Between 1450 and 1700, approximately one hundred thousand people
were executed for witchcraft in Europe; by some estimations, at least
eighty percent of the victims were women.