One difference between our culture and hispanic culture is the food for examples hispanic food has different flavors than our food. A similarity between our culture and hispanic culture is that they both celebrate kind of the same cultures just like february 14th , Christmas ,May 5 and more.
aodn wow aof ok d wj see ovsnqndyoew ahcuwkw fhie wancjsksjedpsp
En este contexto es en el que Miguel Delibes publica sus primeras novelas y comienza su actividad periodística en El Norte de Castilla, periódico vallisoletano en el que irá ocupando puestos cada vez más relevantes. En 1952 es nombrado subdirector y director en 1958
the first one is cuarenta y cinco grados I think it is correct
Answer: 1. Esas son rojas, verdes y azules