<span>Concurrent powers are powers that are shared by both the State and the federal government.</span>
Voices, thunderings
The reference you have in mind is from chapter 8 of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John. Here's the section as quoted from the King James Version:
"Another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake" (Revelation 8:3-5 KJV).
A decrease in the discount rate makes it cheaper for commercial banks to borrow money, which results in an increase in available credit and lending activity throughout the economy. ... The higher the reserve requirements are, the fewer room banks have to leverage their liabilities or deposits.
Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail. Freedom from taxation by royal prerogative, without the agreement of Parliament. Freedom of fines and forfeitures without a trial. Freedom from armies being raised during peacetimes.