hey I am not sure but I think the fourth option is the answer, property tax
Reaper and steel plow were the machines invented by Cyrus McCormick and John Deere that made large-scale agriculture possible, especially on Midwestern prairies.
B) Reaper and steel plow
In the 1800's people used to do all the chores with their hands hence, it made farming a tough job and a lot of time consuming activity. During the industrial revolution, Cyrus McCormick invented a mechanical reaper, which would help reap big farms in very less time.
The steel plow played a very important role in the industrial revolution as the wooden plow used to be weak but John Deere's invented steel plow was strong and broke soil easily.
George Washington was the First historian to write exclusively about the past of the African Americans. He served to be the editor, columnist, lawyer and a prolific writer who tried to bring to light the history of African Americans and their issues of racism and discrimination.
W.E. Dubois was the first historian to explore the African American culture and their integrated lifestyle.
Carter. G .Woodson was known to be the father of Black History. His works aimed to save the rich heritage of the African Americans.
After the emergence of civil rights movement. African Americans proved to be resilient to any kind of oppression and raised their voice for enfranchisement and abolition of racism.