Assonance refers to the repetition of the same vowel in neighboring words. Having that in mind, the correct answer should be twice and miles.
As you can see, both of these words have the vowel i which is read as <em>eye</em> in both words. The other options do not have such a repetition of the same vowel which is why they are incorrect.
An autobiography is the story of a person's life (about a person, what they did, etc.) written by that person.
Functional texts are the texts which include do-it-yourself and how to do instructions. It includes such as directories, menus, forms to fill and so forth. It is used by the reader in order to confirm for the next step and what is needed to do.
Therefore, of the following statements which describe a functional text is
The primary purpose is to provide information to perform a task.
It presents facts, principles, theories, and reasoning related to a subject