Small leaves
These ensure that less water is lost from the plant by transpiration because the leaf has a smaller surface area.
Wundt; introspection
Describing the experience of a snowflake melting on one's tongue as "cold . . . Wet . . . Tingly . . . Slightly metallic in taste" echoes Wundt's method of introspection.
The pioneering psychologist Wilhelm Wundt used a method called introspection to enable subjects to examine their own mental processes. introspection is used to describe a research technique that was first developed by psychologist Wilhelm Wundt.
Introspection is the examination of one's own conscious thoughts and feelings. In psychology, the process of introspection relies exclusively on observation of one's mental state, while in a spiritual context it may refer to the examination of one's soul.
oral interview and psychological inventories
Through degree training, psychology professionals are acquiring a set of tools, techniques, procedures and methods, from different theoretical schools, which are used to evaluate and intervene with the people they work with. Some call these people "patients", but in the field of sport, it is preferable to speak of "athletes" or simply "individuals", since the word patient, from the biomedical paradigm, refers to "passivity", to someone who suffers pain and expects the professional to "take it away." The individual with whom the sports psychologist works (the athlete or the team, the coach, the referee or any other “actor” in the field of sport) could say, is a worker, that is, that is not waiting for solutions provided by the psychologist, but works helped by him to improve his psychological skills for training and competition, without neglecting his health and personal well-being.
The objective of this work is to present the psychological interview as a tool widely used by professionals who work in this field, but little studied, in relation to its objectives, how to carry it out and its scope.
The correct answer would be 187-188 genes.
The chromosome is defined as a thread-like structure formed by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA ) and associated proteins.
It carries the genetic information an organism in the form of genes.
Genes refer to the coding sequence of the chromosome which specifically codes for the amino acid sequence of a protein.
The genome of the yeast consists of 32 chromosomes which have 6000 protein-coding genes.
As these chromosomes are equal in size that is, each contains the equal length of the DNA.
Thus, hypothetically we can say that each chromosome consists of 187-188 chromosomes (6000/32 = 187.5)