The Cuban Missile Crisis began on October 16, 1962, was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States.
The shared experiences can dilute traditional cultures.
Modern technology, most notably the internet, has made possible instant communication and the democratization of the availability of information and knowledge. However, as a negative correlate of this fact, modern technology tends to focus on global trends and the cultures where these are originated, making experiences uniform, which can dilute, or at the very least, undermine, the contributions that traditional and non-dominant cultures may contribute to the globalized dialogue that modern technology implies.
In the social sciences, social structure is the patterned social arrangements in society that are both emergent from and determinant of the actions of individuals.[1] Likewise, society is believed to be grouped into structurally-related groups or sets of roles, with different functions, meanings, or purposes. Examples of social structure include family, religion, law, economy, and class. It contrasts with "social system", which refers to the parent structure in which these various structures are embedded. Thus, social structures significantly influence larger systems, such as economic systems, legal systems, political systems, cultural systems, etc.
Galileo's problem was that he was trying to teach people science which was in conflict with what the church preached. When he started questioning the church and providing scientific results the people started questioning as well which did not bode well for the church. The conflict got resolved with him abandoning his research and living a quite secluded life until he died.
It is hard to answer with so little context, however during the war, when the allies found out about concentration camps- they did not know the extent of it. Their primary concern was to defeat Hitler's regime to stop the spread of Nazi/ totalitarian sentiments. When they began their invasion into Germany, the allies, especially the soviets, began liberating the camps. What they found horrified them beyond belief. They did not realize the horrendous extent of Hitler's torture. They then realized how horrible those camps truly were.
But like I said, their primary goal during the war was not to liberate the camps. It was to defeat Hitler.