Here!!!!! Hope this is good!
French is a amazing language and culture. With people knowing french allows them to explore different places and times. Knowing about French Revolution is important to know especially if you are a part of the culture.Learning about french culture and language has helped to inspire me to learn more about different places. Every place has Museums or a statue that marks that land or place.
<em>Il s'est levé.</em>
<em />
<em>Elles se sont assises.</em>
<em />
<em>Elles se sont bien entendues.</em>
<em />
<em>Ils se sont détendus.</em>
<em />
<em>Ils se sont disputés.</em>
<em />
<em>Il s'est endormi.</em>
<em />
<em>Il s'est cassé la jambe.</em>
we do not have enough information to answer you. if she has a computer there will be the sentence: "julie has a computer" or "julie a un ordinateur"
nous n'avons pas suffisamment d'informations pour vous répondre. si elle a un ordinateur, il y aura la phrase: "Julie a un ordinateur" ou " julie has computer "