<span>SparkNotes: The Kite Runner: Chapters 12–13</span>
Macbeth fears Banquo because the witches prophecy said that Banqous children would be kings, not Macbeth's. Macbeth didn't want to risk his security for the crown to pass to someone else's descendant instead of his.
3.He climbed the trellis to reach the balcony.
Strong nouns help the writer describe and give power to the sentence, this clarifies whet the writer is talking about and how he is talking about it, it describes it better and gives a broader example and a better description of what the writer is talking about. Bland nouns are words that are too simple to describe something, like the colours, green glass building, you already know what are you talking about, but if they tell you swamp colored building, you make a stronger impact on the imagination of your reader.
During the harsh winter, Tom and Bessie take a fruitless journey to the lower valley in search of food. As they return to the lodge, Bessie becomes increasingly weak and can barely walk. Recognizing that she will likely die shortly, Tom attempts to gather food for her and comforts her with chants and songs. After reminiscing about their lives together, Bessie dies and Tom buries her next to his father. Singing and mourning her death, Tom returns alone to the lodge.
She is willing to practice