He feels less scared about failing and more self confident
I think this is awkwardly written, but it *IS* a complex/compound sentence:
As a French woman, she owned her own clothing store, and the clothing store sold a lot of socks.
It can be written more eloquently as a complex sentence:
As the proprietor of a clothing store, the French woman sold a lot of socks.
Because of the high number of butterfly cases, Harry had to attend school from home using Google Meets, so he was very bored.
B. <u>Even though you forgot my birthday</u>, I baked a cake for yours.
- Apply a thin coat of olive oil to paint drips, and rub with a dry rag, working in a circular motion.
For stubborn spots, wrap a rag around a plastic putty knife and scrape, exerting only light pressure. As a last resort, try applying a small amount of mineral spirits and wiping with a dry rag.