C. Pure Plastic Art
he manipulated plastic tiles to return art to a primitive state of moulded figures and simple shapes
Why do graffiti artists favor spray cans and airbrushes? They can be used to apply paint quickly. They lack a human touch. They offer more color options than other media. They allow for more subtle shading than other media. What is necessary for true fresco?
Compare: Both are painted and of women. Both look thoughtful, and perhaps sad. Contrast: One is dark and realistic (Mona Lisa), while the other is colorful and almost imaginary/dreamlike. The realistic painting (Mona Lisa - left) looks calm and yet sad, while the women on the right looks sad as well, but also more fearsome or worried. For the Mona Lisa on the left, the artists has added background images, while the painting on the right has an array of colors that do not create any specific image, but rather just compliment the women’s image and the emotions she exhibits.
Aren't all musicians able to? They should be able to.