1. que yo alquile, beba, viva.
2. que tú estudies, aprendas, asistas.
3. que él encuentre, pueda, tenga.
4. que nosotras hagamos, pidamos, durmamos.
5. que ellos den, hablen, escriban.
6. que ustedes paguen, empiecen, busquen.
7. que yo sea, vaya, sepa.
8. que tú estés, des, oigas.
The times of the subjunctive mode must be used in the following situations: * after certain words that indicate desire, hope, doubt or feeling;
* after speech and thought verbs in their negative form;
* after "cuando, mientras, hasta que, tan pronto como"…, if the action has not yet taken place;
* to describe someone or something that is not known and that has special characteristics;
* with the imperative of the 3rd person singular and plural in its affirmative form, as well as for the negative form of all persons;
* in concrete expressions that govern the subjunctive;
* after certain expressions and verbs.