Please order my sandwich without any toppings, I am allergic to tomatoes and onions.
It would be best with a semi-colon but I don't see an answer choice for that.
So this one is the next best option.
Based on these definitions I searched, I would go with aspersion since the guy's reputation would fall.
aspersion: an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.
abnegation: the act of renouncing or rejecting something.
approbation: approval or praise.
aberration: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
arrogation: to claim or seize without justification
KIPP is a school model that is proliferating in the United States. It obtains, with relative ease, that students coming from depressed neighborhoods or broken families, without a promising future on their horizon, end up becoming excellent students. Many of these students, in fact, are able to enter prestigious universities in the country.
The secret of the KIPP does not take up the almost Dickensian concept of the letter with blood, nor does it make use of revolutionary subjects. The secret lies in two concepts that, in purity, are surprisingly simple: to foster self-control and to disengage students from their environments, as if they were kept in a bubble in which external information can not penetrate.