An example of Kenning from Beowulf is 'whale-roadd' used to define the sea.
Kenning is a figurative language usually found in Old English and Old Norse poetry. This figurative language is used by combining two words to describe an object. This figurative language has been used extensively in Beowulf, the oldest surviving text.
<u>One of the example from the text Beowulf is 'whale-road.' The phrase 'whale-road' is combined with two nouns 'whale' and 'road' to describe metamorphically 'the sea.' Addressing the sea to be a road for the whale.</u>
<u>A kenning is combined with two words, that is, a base noun and a determinant.</u>
Dear whoever
And write sincerly, than write your name here
Green is the first one
Light blue is the second
Purple is the third
"Carver uses four details as symbols in the story: the dark and dreary details of the weather, the woman's picking up the picture, the knocking down of the flower pot, and the pulling on the baby." (Used googl e)
1. Subjunctive
2. Imperative
3. Indicative