Ode to capitalism
The most polite ones that excuse me
But the weak, please disappear
And succumb to the power of capital
May the great ones grow even more
And that encourage competition, dishonesty and intolerance
I'm not interested in the hungry
the homeless and barefoot
If I am guaranteed abundance and abundance.
The poem above was made in eight verses and was inspired by the poetry presented by the beat generation.
The poem makes an ode to capitalism and evokes irresponsibility of this system with the most needy who are exploited in favor of those who are in a situation of advantage and privilege within our society and who basically do not care about anything as long as their sovereignty is guaranteed.
Explanation: A major event, something of value and significance something huge
The chorus feels she is doing something wrong.
In a non-descript town, Adam sat across a chair in a bar sipping whiskey and looking for a su cker who he can make a quick cash off. Adam has always been the rough, brawny type who has never done any honest job in his life, because according to him, the only money to be made was easy money.
As Adam was thinking, a man and woman walked into the bar and appeared to be arguing about something. He ignored them, even though he noted the girl was good looking, but he resumed his solemn thoughts as he ordered a refill.
The man came and sat two chairs away from Adam and ordered a glass of bourbon while the girl stormed out after another argument. Two drinks later and the man was already drunk and was talking his head off to Adam. He was on a treasure hunt with the girl and they discovered some worthless junk, but from the description, Adam immediately realized that what the man found was very valuable indeed.
Adam persuaded the man to show him where it was and when he saw it and confirmed his suspicion, he immediately offered $50 for the 'junk' so the man wouldn't get suspicious and after some haggling he parted with $60 for the 'junk'. Adam could scarcely believe his luck as the 'junk' was actually worth over $6,000 and went home happily, whistling. No better money to make than easy money.
Joy Adamson's story of a lion cub in transition between the captivity in which she is raised and the fearsome wild to which she is returned captures the abilities of both humans and animals to cross the seemingly unbridgeable gap between their radically different worlds.