Little Rock: A black girl was blocked from entering the Little Rock high school and Eisenhower made statetroopers help her get into school.
B vs T: a black girl had to walk to school 20 blocks each day and her father filed a case against the area for that. NAACP victory with 'separate but equal' declared unconstitutional
The ¡Kung San is a society of hunters and gatherers of Africa, which survives in several African countries (Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa), whose society and culture are similar to the Eskimos, where women have a role very important because they are the harvesters of fruits, roots, while men hunt with arrows to obtain meat. Riches are collective because they depend a lot on each other. The ¡Kung consider the Earth, the first mother of all the inhabitants of the tribe, and gender roles are not immutable, being able to hunt women and collect men.
Braddock was working at the docs and his broken hand prevented him from working consistently.
Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam.
these three religions are universalizing religions meaning they try to convert as many people as possible globally. Hinduism, and Confucianism and ethnic meaning they tend to stick to a specific area or group of people and don't usually convert as large a scale as a universalizing religion.