transform plate boundary
Tectonic setting of the San Andreas Fault (transform plate boundary) in California, the subduction zone (convergent plate boundary: oceanic-continental collision) in the Pacific Northwest.
When European countries occupied and partitioned Middle Eastern ladnds, all of the following effects occurred except A) a desire to make the Middle East a part of Europe. Although European countries did want to own some of the lands of the Middle East for some benefits, it had never been planned that they would become part of Europe nor did the Middle East after it was occupied want to become part of Europe.
The location is in the Levantine Sea.
The Levantine Sea is located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, thus it can be said that it is a subdivision of it. The borders of this sea are comprised of Egypt on its south, Turkey on its north, Syria,Lebanon, Israel, and the Gaza strip on the east, Aegean Sea on the northeast, and Mediterranean Sea on the west. This sea is located in the warmest part of the Mediterranean, thus it has the warmest waters, as well as the highest salinity.
The largest and best known island in the Levantine Sea is Cyprus, and it is also the only sovereign country in it, though it can also be said that there are two separte countries on the island. The sea has three subdivisions, one of which is the Cilician Sea, while the other two are the Gulf of Iskenderun and Gulf of Antalia. This Sea is very important for the region, especially because it has a direct connection with the Red Sea, so it is one of the most exploited trading routs in the world.
Some characteristics of this sea are:
- depth of 4,384 m
- area of 320,000 square km
- the Nile River flows into it
- it is located in a highly geologically active area
Learn more about the importance of the Nile River