Here it is, and i hope you actually watch more how to draw manga videos.
You are Albert's son or Albert is your father. Simply we need to analyze first the situation.
You are a male, which makes you X.
Your son if Y.
Your son's father is Z
Albert's son is A.
Let's say that your son's father (Z) is you (X) because it is your son, so that makes it X = Z or Z = X.
Next, Albert's son is your son's father. so we all know that son's father is just equal to X which is you, that means that A, Albert's son, your son's father (Z) and you (X) are all equal.
Therefore, you are Albert's son, Albert is your father. Albert is your son's grandfather, and your son is Albert's grandchild.
The answer is basso continuo
From the Italian language sometimes abbreviated as b.c is a technique of self-composition and execution and essential from the Baroque period
The basso continuo is played for one or various instruments, typically and harmonic as the keyboard instruments or others as the harp or lute
with the voice of bass simultaneously in charge of an instrument of grave tessitura like the violoncello, bassoon, the viola da gamba, contrabass and sometimes contrabasso.
It also receives the name of simultaneous accompaniment
The distance between the performer and the audience prevents them from seeing your facial features, and therefore the emotions on your face, unless you enhance your features with makeup.